What Is Anxiety?
Refers to a feeling of fear, dread, or uneasiness. In clinical terms, it is known as Generalize Anxiety Disorder. Anxiety can be a normal reaction to stress such as feeling anxious about an upcoming test or making an important decision. For those that suffer from an Anxiety Disorder, the dread and fear is so severe that they are unable to function. This can greatly reduce ones quality of life.
Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental disorders in the US, followed by Depressive Disorders. At Whole Mind, we are committed to reducing this mental health burden by improving the functional level of those that suffer from this illness. Through hard work and with the right help, anxiety does not have to be something that prevents someone from enjoying life.
Everyone experiences anxiety differently; because of this, symptoms are often diverse, and should always be taken seriously. It is critical to get an accurate diagnosis when beginning treatment; having a qualified and capable psychiatrist is a great first step in the healing process.
What are the common symptoms?
Anxiety symptoms vary from person to person, but the often include:
An overwhelming sense of dread or fear
Stomach aches
Extremely difficult to control worries
Poor sleep
Racing thoughts
Shakiness, tenseness or feeling restless
Chest pain or chest tightness
Avoidance of any potential triggers
Treatment Options
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most successful types of therapies for anxiety. Other therapeutic modalities that can be helpful including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Mindfulness Based Interventions (MBI’s)
Psychotherapy (AKA Talk Therapy)
There are many medication options for anxiety. Our medical professionals at Whole Mind will work with you to find the safest and most effective medication while minimizing potential side effects.
Being physically active, avoiding use of illicit drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol, and limiting caffeine intake have been shown to improve symptoms of Anxiety Disorders. Natural remedies such as ashwagandha and rhodiola rosea have also shown some benefit to improve symptoms of anxiety.